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Runner Scam Insurance Fraud Alert

1-800-VICTIM2 is spreading the word about an illegal insurance fraud scam that targets accident and injury victims.

Be Cautious if a Stranger Contacts You After Your Accident

When you’re involved in an injury-causing accident, many people want to try to take advantage and make money off of you. These people are called runners. You didn’t give them your phone number, but they call you. They then try to refer you to a clinic or lawyer. They will probably offer you money or a ride.

This is a scam! Don’t fall for it.

These runners illegally obtained your confidential personal information from the hospital. Many insurance companies are already investigating the lawyers, doctors, and runners involved in these schemes for fraud.

If you fall for this scam, your case could become the next target of these investigations.

Don’t Be a Victim Twice. Call 1-800-VICTIM2.

Runners are in it to make money, and if they have to put your recovery and safety at risk, they will. This is an issue in New York and all over the country.

We make it our business to advocate for the injured, and that’s why we’re warning the public about runner scams. Our motto is “Don’t Be a Victim Twice,” and we want to make sure injury victims aren’t being victimized a second time by unscrupulous fraudsters.

Who you hire as your attorney is your choice—not theirs. That’s why you should contact a lawyer you trust or call 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) to schedule a free initial consultation with the personal injury attorneys at our firm.

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