Don’t Be a Victim Twice!
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Don’t Be A Victim Twice

Call 1-800-Victim-2 (842-8462)

Car accidents can range from minor incidents to major catastrophes, and each has the potential to be costly and, at the very least, an inconvenience. You could be the safest and most aware driver on the road, but that doesn’t protect you from drivers who are negligent and not as careful. When it comes to car accidents caused by other drivers, there’s little you can do to prepare, but you can make sure you have an experienced lawyer on your side to help you and your family members receive any compensation you deserve.

The Effects of a Car Accident

Whether it’s a fender bender or a car accident involving multiple vehicles, your car will require expensive repairs if it isn’t totaled, and you’ll likely face injuries. In fact, at first, it may not seem like the accident is a big deal. However, once you factor in time off work, medical bills, and injuries that may become worse over time, you could be facing an event that changes your life forever. It is for this reason that car accidents of any size should be taken seriously.

The Importance of an Experienced Lawyer

Car accidents can become complicated matters, especially when they have been caused by someone else’s negligence. You’ll likely have to deal with insurance adjusters, corporations, medical examiners, and attorneys representing the other side. In most cases, these professionals won’t have your best interests in mind and will either propose settlements that won’t completely cover your expenses or they may refuse to accept blame and deny any compensation at all. In either event, you need someone on your side to ensure you aren’t victimized again.

Risks of Handling Accidents Alone

Without some form of legal representation, you could be at risk for financial loss, serious injury, and long-term effects caused by the car accident, all because of someone else’s actions. Battling professionals whose jobs are to protect their own client’s interests by yourself could result in more stress and an even bigger loss than you’ve already experienced. Don’t Be a Victim Twice. Make sure you have someone on your side fighting for you. Call 1-800-VICTIM2 to get started.

What You Should Do After a Car Accident

Car accidents occur on our roads and highways on a daily basis. And, with the majority of accidents caused by drinking and driving, distracted driving, and offenses like speeding, it’s safe to say that many, if not most, happen as a result of another driver’s negligence. Although you can’t prepare for a car accident, you can be aware of the steps you need to take. Here’s what you should do if you are in a car accident.

Pull Over and Stop

No matter how small or minor the accident might seem, it’s best to pull over and stop rather than drive away. If the damage is worse than you thought or someone is injured, you risk being charged of hit and run. Never leave the scene of an accident until you are positive that you have provided the necessary information and have been reassured by law enforcement that you can leave.

Make Sure Everyone is Safe

It’s important first, to seek medical attention for anyone involved in the car accident, including yourself, any passengers, and other drivers. Call 911 and make sure everyone is safe and at the side of the road, away from any traffic. If possible, set off flares or turn your flashers on to warn others.

Call the Police

Even if the damage is minimal and you don’t think anyone is hurt, make sure you contact the police. If anything, this will include a police report which documents the car accident and specific details that you might forget later.

Take Your Own Notes

If you are able to, it’s a good idea to take your own notes and gather as much information as you can. Some of the information you should try to get for your own records includes:

  • Pictures of the scene
  • Witness contact information
  • Insurance information
  • Driver’s license information regarding other parties
  • Accident facts such as time, date, location, streets, etc.
  • Police report number

Contact Your Insurance Provider

You should also notify your car insurance provider as soon as possible. Some insurance claims only allow a certain amount of time to file a claim, and you need to know how much time you have. You can also check to find out if you have coverage for your injuries and other details. However, it’s important that you do not give statements to insurance providers representing other drivers before you receive legal advice.

Don’t Be a Victim Twice

Last, you should make sure you contact a car accident lawyer to make sure the appropriate parties are held responsible for the accident. Even if you don’t have a chance to follow each of these steps, an experienced lawyer can ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve and receive fair and legal treatment. If you or someone you know has been in a car accident, don’t be a victim twice. Call 1-800-VICTIM2.

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